Magazine May 2014 | Page 16

Public Critique

Art Critique- The Art in Mental Illness

Artist- Unknown

Name of Piece- Unknown

With this particular art piece, it is open for many ways of interpretation. I believe it is stating a hidden truth about mental illness. As you can see, they are all the same girl, but with a different mental illness. The seemingly normal girl, in the middle, is surrounded by al her worst fears. Bipolar disorder, anorexia, bulimia, self-harm, and depression. It’s a story many people don’t want to be a part of. Who would? But this girl is afraid of what is going to happen to her next. One or many of these are going to be in her future, she feels, but she doesn’t know which.

The following thoughts and opinions are by various Bioscience High School students. The purpose of gathering these thoughts and opinion was to show that everyone has a different perception about mental illness. Some are logical, showing apparent knowledge about mental illness; while some are shallow and one sided.