Magazine MAGAZINE | Page 12

LIBRA September 23- October 22
Your element is air . You will spend time waiting for something to happen , that your half-orange will burst into your life and drive you mad with desire and life . It is a year for sporadic and passionate relationships , not for serious and deep relationships . For those who struggle hard to maintain their relationship and ignore sporadic relationships , well . For your work there aren ’ t significant changes . Everything is stable and will continue the same as last year . So you won ’ t have to worry about it .
SCORPIO October 23- November 21
Your element is water . It will be pretty good for Scorpio . Intellectuality and your spirituality will mark your life . Will be very active . You ’ re going to have fun and go out like never before . You see many friends around you and lots of social life , with many activities that will brighten your life . You will feel happy to have the friends you have and will foster your friendship . You will work on the idea of the spiritual dimension of money , of divine provisioning , start reorganizing his finances and end the year , starting on October 11 , much better than it has begun . You will start earning money , a better salary and something more .