By: Jesús Abraham Amado
etting yourself organized will
save you lots of time, trouble, stress and
money in your life in general, not only
as a student. So this article will help you
in and out of school. It is easy to lose
track and focus on what is going on,
what you need to do, when and how to
do it, that is why mastering the art of
is so vital and important.
The following
“keys” will help you with that
Keep a diary: Here you can write your
to do list, from big to small chores. With that you can
plan your days or even weeks accordingly, so you can
arrange your time better and save some.
Learn how to say “No”: Everyone
has experience the following situation: It is the middle of
the week and you have lots of things to do and free time
is not available and a friend of yours invites you to go
out, you don’t know what to do or answer, but at the end
you say “let’s go” and as a result your work suffers and
now your schedule is all mess up. Because of that you
need to learn how to say “No”.
Don’t panic: One of the worst things you can do
is to enter in panic and stress yourself even more. It
won’t make anything easier or resolve it. Sit down with
your papers or whatever you are supposed to do and just
do it.