IT’S BEEN A LONG TRIP By: Paul Ivan Sanchez It’s been a long trip since the start of school; you have made friends that will continue by your side till the last day of school and others that will be with you until your last breath. Do you remember the first day of school? All the little kids looking for his classroom, or all the people trying to find his friends or someone to be with in the recess. All that memories, all that tears with your friends, all that projects and all that laughs will mean everything on the last day of school. The last day is coming and all your friends are getting ready for the prom night, but what about you? Do you feel ready to set apart all your friends, the teachers of the high school to start your new life in University? All this questions will be over your head until the last day of school and at the beginning will be hard to accept that you are not a kid anymore you are a grow man or lady that have responsibilities and boring stuff of adult. HEADS UP, you are on time to be gratefully for all the memories that you can still make with all your friends and teachers, don’t wait till the last day to start thinking of your friends, today is the day to make the things right and start giving love to all of them until is too late to give them a chance to meet you or know the best of you.