By: Jesus Abraham Amado
As all of the students of CETYS know, when you finished 4 th semester you need to choose a
package depending on your career interests and aspirations, there are four options: Economic
package, Medical Sciences package, Mathematics package and lastly Humanities package. Every
package is famous for certain things, for example, Medical Sciences is known for being extremely
hard, meanwhile the Economic one is known for not being the hardest one and is the one where the
worst behave and the ones that party the most are. Not too long ago the Economic package was
going to “Agrobaja” along with the Medical Science one, but now that is not the reality after the
incident that occurred. Now you may be wondering what happened and what could possibly have
gone wrong. Well, this incident consisted in a few students secretly drinking alcoholic beverages
and getting noticeably drunk, this is incredibly prohibited in the school’s rulebook. As a result, these
students were suspended alongside failing their human development class. They not only harmed
themselves, but also the whole Economic package, everyone was nagged and now the package is
banned from going to “Agrobaja” in the years to come. The new generations of this package think
this is 100% unfair, but the school thinks this is a necessary measure so it will stay the same until
new notice. At least the Economic package still is one of the packages with the most trips, like the
one to “Bimbo”.