By: Irays Gómez
The "Llano en llamas" is today a classic Mexican and
Latin American literature, and probably one of the
most translated short story volumes in the world.
O b v i o u s ly s i mp l e w o r k i s , h owe ve r, d e e p ly
disconcerting. In his formal unity rests a great
diversity of languages, registers and tones with which
Rulfo addresses the problem of a multiform violence,
to such a naturalized point that it has stopped
recognizing itself as such. However, the author does
not "reflect" or "denounce" it, nor does it stage it: it
pursues it to its deepest recesses, interpenetrating
itself with the feelings of those who exercise it or
suffer it, without being able to recognize it more than
the times. Or more precisely: before the violence
itself, what the stories of "El Llano en llamas" put on
stage is often that dark and confused struggle with its
imprint on the feeling of those who were once
involved in it, without noticing then his true face.
In my opinion it was an incredible book in which you can reflect on the circumstances
in which Mexico is located, many people do not have enough education in Mexico and thanks
to this book you can see the degree of Mexican intellect and how Mexican families coexist
and their culture, as well as the way in which they coexist.