MAGAzine Issue 2 | Page 16

Make sure the media is focused on El Paso, it’s our only hope now of creating a strong anti gun platform

for 2020

Anons are now connecting how mass shootings are used to distract from our corruption and evil

Yes, yes, I sense there is a great awakening taking place, which we may not be able to control much longer

So we’re pinning all our hopes on beating Trump via the ballot box on an anti gun agenda?

We will never have absolute power until we destroy the Constitution. The first step to achieving this is taking away guns

Agreed, but we must act now. Trump is going to declassify all our dirty secrets and then we’re done

You are correct my young apprentice. We are going to have to take our evil to the next level

I will activate Operation Scorched Earth immediately

Patience my young apprentice, patience. Our plans for absolute power throughout the Galaxy are still on course

What are your

orders Master?

Keep pushing for gun bans. I'll work on more immediate and extreme plans to prevent our evil

being exposed

I’ll instruct the usual suspects to demand gun control and we’ll see how it plays out