magazine ingles | Page 13


There is a topic that is discussed a lot and it is about whether to start school at 3 or 6 years.

In my opinion, I think that I must start 3 years because I think that education is earlier, the child is better acquainted.

In addition to that, the relationships between the equals are also important, and it is easier to relate a child that goes into school with 3 years, which with 6. The latter can also be related in the leisure areas, but it is not the same as to go to school all day and spend there with the other children there. The school is not only a place to learn, but also to have fun and have social interaction with others. Therefore, I think that schooling is better at 3 years before 6. When starting to read etc, there are some relatives who do not have time to be able to teach their children, and yet at school They only devote that to teach.

In conclusion, schooling at 3 years has more advantages than at 6, therefore I think it's a better option