Magazine for FINAL2 Mar. 2016{ Fall/Winter Issue) | Page 4
From the
March 12th
Excerpt Sermon by Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann
Edited by Jacqueline Bourne
Sacrifice is one of the most misunderstood words in Christendom.
The word sacrifice is often used
to initiate a guilt trip. Believers are
often told that they have to give
more money, more time and more
service. It seems like one could
never sacrifice enough. Sacrificing
or not sacrificing should never
make us feel guilty or unworthy
in the sight of the Lord. He has
made it very clear that he doesn’t
need us giving to him if it isn’t
done from a pure heart. We have
put ourselves under that bondage
because we haven’t understood
what real sacrifice is all about.
Sacrifice is very closely related to
commitment. They are so closely
related that we can say they are
“kissing cousins.” Sacrifice always
means a willingness to make
good based on our allegiance to
Jesus Christ. We want to sacrifice
because of the love we have
for him. Outside of loving him,
He doesn’t want our sacrifice.
Sacrificing, loving him causes us
to act positively toward what He
represents. Without that real love
there can be no real sacrifice. Have
you noticed that what we call sacrificing to give to him, belongs to
him anyway? He gets no delight
in us giving him what is already
his, especially when our heart
isn’t in it. God wants our giving to
be based on our love for him. It
4 LOH Magazine / February 2016
indicates us having a single mind
devotion to do what is necessary
to live out our faith.
Sacrifice calls our priorities into
focus. Sacrifice is also priority
centered, it teaches us to make
sure our priorities are lined up
right. When we sacrifice, what is
important rises to the top, and
other things are set aside .It shows
the place of the Kingdom of God
in our lives in relation to other
things. Where does it fit? We say, “I
thank God I have been translated
from darkness into light.” What
does that really mean to you?
How important is that to you? The
fact that we have been translated
out of darkness into light and are
now in the Kingdom of God has
to be top priority in our lives. If
it isn’t, we are just marking time
and are like a sounding brass and
tinkling cymbal. The fact that
we have now been planted in
another Kingdom ought to be of
foremost importance to us. And
it ought to be so em