Magazine Final Project Magazine FINAL Project | Page 26

Bucket List Magazine NEW YORK New York, U.S.A Top 3 Favorite Activities! See a Broadway Show What is it? Broadway shows are practically synonymous with New York City, and the word Broad- way is often used as shorthand for theater itself. Why go? Visiting the Great White Way means attending one of 41 large theaters concen- trated near Times Square. By: Tim Lowery Museum of Modern Art What is it? Institution housing one of the world’s finest collec- tions of art from the 18th century through today. Why go? Around nearly every corner of the vener- ated museum is a seminal piece by an artist trumpeted in art history or coveted by contemporary col- lectors. invaluable experience that will not be soon forgotten! Explore Central Park What is it? The world’s most famous green space. Why go? “Many visitors fight through the crowded streets to enter Central Park around 59th Street—where there’s not much to see—and by the time they reach the best bits, they are too winded to enjoy them.” By: Andres Uro New York State is historic. It’s untamed. It’s iconic. But more importantly, it’s anything you want it to be. Did you know that Adirondack State Park is larger than Yellowstone, Everglades, Glacier and the Grand Canyon combined? So, let’s go! Explore our 11 unique vacation regions and discover what it is that you LOVE about New York. By: I love NY 26