Magazine Enjoy and learn in a healthy way Junio 2020 | Page 9

Logo competition in Estonia - 21 best logos, voting in Google Forms. Logo competition in Spain. Voted in polldaddy B E S T L O G O S S E L E C T E D The logos drawn by the students showed that they were immersed in the topic - both exercise and eating, as well as leisure, were seen as healthy lifestyles. L O S M E J O R E S L O G O S S E L E C C I O N A D O S The logos drawn by the students showed that they were immersed in the topic - both exercise and eating, as well as leisure, were seen as healthy lifestyles. Our project logo by Karoliine Liigmann! H E A L T H Y L I F E S T I L E M A T T E R S ! 9