Magazine Coachend Vlaanderen
31 december 2012
Natalia Kuzmicheva is coach en gebruikt het concept van Consciousness Coaching, wat zeer krachtig werkt met
structuur en opbouw.
Natalia geeft heel regelmatig groupscoachings via Skype die heel goed en schappelijk aan prijs zijn en als extra
dimentie dan ook de kracht van de groep erbij betrekt. Extra uitdaging die je erbij krijgt is dat je je je engels even
kan oefenen gezien de sessies in het Engels gebeuren. Graag geef ik haar het woord om het concept en hoe zij
ermee werkt even toe te lichten.
What is Consciousness Coaching®?
Consciousness Coaching® is an advanced coaching methodology recognized
and accredited by the highest professional body in the coaching field, the International Coaching Federation
The Consciousness Coaching® methodology was developed by MCC Marc Steinberg (
and is an extension of classical coaching. It creates shifts in consciousness leaving you empowered to influence
providence and create a self-designed destiny.
Consciousness Coaching® adds an awareness creation component. Ignorance not in knowledge but in awareness
limits a person's ability to create the life he/she would love to live. To dissolve this ignorance by insights into the
nature of human consciousness - the operating system with which every human being conducts their actions - and
to enable the human being to successfully operate consciousness is the core commitment of Consciousness
"Without these insights one stumbles consistently over one's own unconscious conditioning and soon lives a life
being more in reaction rather than creation", says Marc Steinberg.
Upcoming events via Skype:
05/01 – Create an Inspiring 2013!!!
"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It's as simple as that." Earl Nightingale
Let's create YOUR inspiring Year 2013 together!
To participate, please send me an email to [email protected] by 8pm on 04/01 at the latest and
add me to your Skype contact list (My Skype name is Natalia.kuzmicheva).
12/01 – Group Coaching Session - Relationships
During the group coaching session (based on Consciousness Coaching methodology), I will
invite you to set an inspiring goal and by the end of the session you will walk away with
concrete steps towards it.
In 2013 all group coaching sessions will be thematical, i.e. having a common theme from
where participants define their goals. In this session, we will focus on improving relationships.
Part of every consciousness coaching session is an awareness creation component that allows you to look into the
laws that can facilitate reaching what you want in the most effective way.
To participate, please send me an email to [email protected] at least 2 days prior to the session
and add me to your Skype contact list (My Skype name is Natalia.kuzmicheva).
Sessions Start: 9am Belgian time
Price of each event is 15 EURO
Natalia Kuzmicheva,,
[email protected]