the clock
The time is money, an old saying would say, but how many times have we fixed ourselves in the minutes that pass while we carry out an activity, or when someone asks us the time.
Will we know how to respond to what time we arrive at our work? What time are we going to bed? Here we explain the clock.
For example when we want say the time is 9:10 we can say it like that ten past nine or when we have 11:29 is twenty- nine past eleven
The past is used when the time is passed is not in point if it is used o'clock, for example 10:00 ten o´clock
When we want to say 6: 30 is six thirty half past six.
During the second half hour of each hour we will use the preposition to. We can say 3:50 It's ten to four, 2:35- It's twenty-five to three
As you have seen, the next hour is used to tell the current time, in the same way that we do it in Spanish. Spanish, if it's 3:50, we'll say that "there are ten.
Quarter to say that they are "fifteen for" and is used only when the clock ticks and forty-five within the second half hour. The next hour must be said.
For example: 3:45 - It's quarter to four, 7:45 - It's quarter to eight, 11:45 - It's quarter to twelve.