MagAAFSzine November 2017, Issue 4 | Page 28


This is a view of the famous mountains in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada during the summer of July 2017. I chose this picture because it reveals BC’s Culture of wondrous beauty. This is also a natural picture taken without any filters from My I Phone 4 S. Some things to do here include waterskiing, tubing, hiking around Kaslo Mountain to see the view and of course there is the Famous S.S. Moyie Sternwheeler Ship which took people across the Kootenay Lake for a hundred years. What is famous is that Kaslo did not exist until 1880s, and this is home to the waterpeople or the Kootenai Tribe in Canada. Native Kootenai Indians were living near the Kootenai Reserve hunting fish and game for two thousand years before the times of the great Aztecs. These earliest inhabitants of the area were later to be called the Kootenay Indians, and their names were adopted to designate the land that they roamed.


By Martin Bruns