Tyddyn Mon Newsletters Issue 4 - June, July & August
Tyddyn Môn Newsletter
Issue 4 June, July & August 2015
In This Issue:
P2 - New CEO
P3 - Summer Fair
P4 - Summer Fair raffle, music
sessions & farm produce
P5 - Keep Wales Tidy Funding
P6 - Folk on the Farm Festival
P7 - Tracy Austin’s Karate Grading and College Achievement
P8 - Arfon’s new flat & Erica’s
new car
P9 - Meirionfa’s garden & chips
and mayonnaise
P10 - Elenfa’s garden & changing
P11 - Mickey’s trip to London &
Penri’s Darts trip
Welcome to issue 4 of the Tyddyn Môn
The last few months have been incredibly
busy on the farm with a number of events
taking place including the Summer Fair and
the Folk on the Farm festival, both of which
attracted hundreds of people, helped raise
valuable funds and raised awareness of what
we do.
We have also welcomed a number of school
pupils and groups to the farm for work
experience placements and
days, as well as hundreds of visitors who
have visited the farm and cafe over the
summer holidays.
There has also been a number of changes in
the company in the last couple of weeks
including the appointment of a new Chief
Executive Officer, Dr Michelle Freeman, who
has taken over from our Managing Director,
Stephen McEnhill.
P12 - Photos from the Farm
Tyddyn Môn Newsletter
Issue 4 - June, July & August 2015