mag june 2012 | Page 9

My aunt and I were only a few rooms apart but neither of us were allowed to walk so the nurses let us use the phones in our rooms to call each other.

Finally I was well enough to be put on crutches and move out of the ICU and onto a normal floor. My dad had told me that because my aunt was doing so well the next day she would be able to be put in the same room with me.

I was really excited to see her because I hadn’t in 3 days. When she got there it was a complete different story. All that she did was cry because she was in pain and that also made me cry because no one could do anything to make the hurting stop.

After 5 days I was back in Tennessee we had to wait another 3 day for my aunt and another 6 days for my grandma to be put in a nursing home until she was well enough to come home. It broke my heart having to see my aunt who is only a year older then me and has been my best friend my entire life have to be in a wheelchair and have to help with planning the funeral of her father.

It’s now almost been a year and everything seems to be normal again. Graduation for her is fast approaching and I know that much of my family will be there to celebrate but all those people wont make up for the emptiness that will be felt knowing her father isn’t there to witness this special day.

I feel happiness in knowing that he is looking down on all of us everyday keeping us safe.