mag june 2012 | Page 11

Resturant Review

I went to Red Lobster in Waterloo it was packed full so that gave me the impression that it would be delicious, and it was. Although we had a 50-minute wait the food and the hosts were terrific.

I ordered the snow crab legs and mashed potatoes with stuffed mushrooms and calamari. My appetizer was the stuffed mushrooms and calamari, I’m not a huge fan of stuffed mushrooms but they were absolutely delicious, I attempted the calamari but it wasn’t for me the breading was to dry.

My main dish was the snow crab legs and the mashed potatoes. The potatoes were amazing but I typically am a potato lover. The crab legs were amazing as well although it was a bit difficult to get a good sized piece of meat out of the shell due to them being slightly over cooked but over all it was a good meal.

For dessert I ordered a scoop of ice cream with an apple fritter and that was the best part of the night. The apple fritter was so sweet and warm mixed with the chilled ice cream and caramel drizzled over the top.

The entire night the waiter was very good at taking empty plates and making sure not only us but many tables around us that were not actually his had everything they needed. At the end of the night he got a good tip from my dad. He personally came back to our table to thank my dad for the tip.