Mag-Fed Monthly Issue 2, May 2015 | Page 10

I Personally met Chuck for the first time at a campout/paintball event at Burning River, a private field in North Royalton, Ohio. He had a whole tent set up with a banner for MUD PA and Wiskey Squad displayed proudly on the outside. I was friends with him on Facebook but had never met him personally until then. That day i started having issues with my first ever mag-fed marker, a Rap4 T68. Having known him for all of 5 minutes, he immediately said, "Hey I got a Paradigm Pro you can use, mags and everything." At the time I didn't realize the gravity of his offer, being new to mag-fed I did not know the marker he offered to let me use was a 900 dollar investment. That is the kind of guy chuck is, he want's nothing more than to share the love he has for this sport, and that is why he was chosen to be profiled in this publication.