Madrid 2018 Madrid 2018 | Page 3

Madrid annual report Making your mind up The issue of technology will mould the future of law firms as many struggle to innovate – indeed, some will look for mergers as a way of effectively adapting to the digitalisation of the economy It’s decision time for law firm managing partners. The issue of what technology law firms should invest in is proving to be a perplexing one for many in the legal sector. While it is widely acknowledged by law firm leaders that artificial intelligence (AI) does offer some benefits, many admit they are sceptical about it. Some say initial AI trials have been disappointing, while others – though saying they have faith in such technology – admit progress with AI products has been slower than anticipated. Partners say law firms struggle with innovation and this is a worry as the economy is becoming ever more digitalised. Some managing partners believe firms’ difficulties implementing new technology could drive consolidation in the sector in an effort to increase efficiency. One partner at a leading firm in Madrid predicts more mergers involving the biggest law firms in the world – some of whom have operations in Spain – in the near future. Diversity is another issue managing partners have to urgently address. Clients are increasingly asking for evidence of law firms’ diversity policies before making decisions about who will be receiving their business. Calls for lawyers to be ‘ambassadors’, while AI doubts grow Spain’s strong economic growth boosting law firms, but managing partners predict more legal market consolidation as firms struggle to be innovative Event: Iberian Lawyer Madrid Roundtable Host: Allen & Overy With foreign investors looking to acquire assets in Spain, lawyers can play an important role in giving them the confidence that potential deals will be successful, attendees at the Iberian Lawyer Madrid Roundtable heard. With some regulators in Spain making investors nervous, lawyers can play an ‘ambassadorial’ role and help to give them assurance. Meanwhile, there is doubt among managing partners about the effectiveness of using artificial intelligence in law firms. International investors have a large appetite for transactions in Spain, according to Allen & Overy co-managing partner Antonio Vázquez-Guillen. He added that renewable energy sector disputes are currently generating significant opportunities for law firms, while capital markets work is also increasing. Vázquez-Guillen said law firms have an important role to play in attracting investors to Spain by acting as guarantors for the success of deals. “One of the challenges for Spain is winning the trust of investors, the way some industries are regulated means there are risks,” he explained. Vázquez-Guillen added that law firms in Spain are able to attract the best talent who can act as the “best ambassadors” for the country. International players are targeting assets in the Spanish infrastructure, energy and finance sectors, according to Clifford Chance Spain managing partner Jaime Velázquez. “There is more confidence in the Spanish market, a few years ago most investment was opportunistic,” he added. With regard to law firms’ investment in technology, Velázquez added that there is a distinction between software that makes firms more efficient and other technology that can “add value” for clients. “For example, there are safe platforms that allow you to work with clients and add value,” he explained. The strength of the Spanish economy is creating many opportunities for law firms, said Baker McKenzie Madrid managing partner Rodrigo Ogea. “Spain has had the strongest growth in the Eurozone for the last three years,” he added. Ogea also said there were significant opportunities for law firms in relation to private equity deals, fintech, blockchain and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). He added that one of the major challenges and opportunities for many industries is “digital transformation”. From a macroeconomic standpoint, Ogea said that rising oil prices and the “expected end of quantitative easing and recent political developments were creating uncertainty”. There will be mergers among law firms, according to Ogea, who added that most law firms “still struggle to be truly innovative”. He continued: “Law firms’ positioning on digital transformation is key, clients don’t want to deal with reactive law firms any more – they expect innovative legal advisors with the ability to anticipate legal threats and opportunities resulting from disruptive technology.” Given that in the past five years, Spanish companies have managed to adequately refinance, there May / June 2018 • IBERIAN LAWYER • 41 >>