Madison Magazine September-October 2022 | Page 12

We Live Here farming education

We Live Here farming education

Growing students and harvesting opportunities

Words by Ricki Pryor Photography by Josh Pryor
CULTIVATE verb 1 . to prepare land and grow crops on it ; to grow a particular crop .
2 . try to acquire or develop ( a quality , sentiment , or skill ).
The approximately 500 acres that make up Berea College Farm yields more than just produce , livestock , and plants from its rich soil every year .
According to educators and administrators , the true fruits of the nation ’ s oldest , continuously operated college farm are the students .
Behind the farm ’ s stately black fences , inside its balmy greenhouses , and among the pastures and livestock pens — educators see learning laboratories ripe for the taking .
“ Really , we grow students here — we just use farm products to do it ,” David Little , Berea College Farm Store Manager , said with a smile while taking a quick break from his kitchen duties . “ It ’ s life skills we are teaching them . The students learn things here they won ’ t learn anywhere else … they maybe don ’ t always realize it , but they are growing too .”
Andrew Oles knows firsthand the value of Berea College ’ s unique outdoor
classrooms . He is a proud alumnus and received his bachelor ’ s degree in agriculture and natural sciences from Berea College in 2005 . Now , he serves as the college ’ s current director of farm enterprises .
Oles said it was his experience as a student
working on the farm that cemented his path in agriculture and informs the work he does today in keeping the college ’ s farm viable and productive for future generations .
“ One of the amazing things about the farm is that it has remained . We celebrated 150 years of continuous operation last year ,” Oles said while gesturing to a particularly
picturesque piece of pasture . The alumnus suggested the proximity of the farm to campus might play a part in why it has continued to play a crucial role at the college .
“ It ’ s all within a two-mile radius to campus ,” Oles explained . “ A lot of other college farms are removed from campus because they
simply don ’ t have the land resources Berea College has . It makes it easy for students and people in the community to come here , learn , and support it . Students can easily walk to greenhouses .”
One such student is Hallie Whitehead , a senior agricultural and natural resources major from Louisville .
Whitehead said she chose
to continue her education at Berea College mostly due to its strong and varied agricultural program and opportunities available .
“ Berea had everything I was looking for ,” Whitehead said while harvesting seeds amid the buzz of nearby bees and butterflies in the college ’ s flower garden . In addition to her education , Whitehead said she has also garnered valuable work and leadership experience while at Berea as part of the farm ’ s student management team .
The college is one of seven federally recognized work colleges , and all students hold a labor position in which they work 10-12 hours per week in all areas of the college — including the farm .
“ It really can ’ t function without the students ,” Janet Meyer , Berea College ’ s Horticulture Manager , said of the student workforce impact . “ They really are involved in everything ; top to bottom . We have students help with everything from plumbing issues , to helping fix farming equipment , and mending fences to keep the deer out . They have a lot of responsibility .”
Meyer is also an alumna of Berea College and received her bachelor ’ s degree in agriculture and natural resources in 2004 .
12 Madison Magazine September - October 2022