who created the fi rst laboratory school in 1894.
Th e movement was so popular that soon aft er,
Model Laboratory School—the fi rst of its kind in
the Commonwealth—was established with Eastern
Kentucky University in 1906.
To this day, Model is a foundational part of EKU:
hundreds of college students gain authentic teach-
ing and learning experiences in their discipline
every year. On an average day, college students
from the Exercise and Sports Sciences, Psychology,
Nursing, Occupational Th erapy, and Education
programs are working with Model students and
faculty for observations, clinicals, and practicums.
In fact, Model has a huge impact on the lives of
these EKU students, one of which was Taylor
Rogers, a 2019 EKU alumna with a degree in
Special Education. Now a special education teacher
in Powell County, she stated, “Model’s given me a
learning experience I will treasure for the rest of
my life. I loved the teachers I was mentored by, the
students I built relationships with, and the entire
atmosphere of this school.”
Model’s world-class education emphasizes community-based learning.
In addition to its close affi liation with EKU, Model
also prides itself on being a tight-knit community.
Th is type of school atmosphere benefi ts students,
parents, and faculty members alike. Robin Jones is
the mother of a middle and high school student,
and to her, Model truly is a family: “Model encour-
ages communication and mutual respect. Teachers
and administrators are responsive to the concerns
of parents and students and open to their sugges-
tions for improvement. Th ey intentionally nurture
a culture of caring.”
Many students spend their entire elementary,
middle, and high school experience at Model—such
as Christopher Otieno, a 2019 Model alumnus and
current student at the University of Kentucky. He
attributes his academic success to the support he
received from the one-of-a-kind experience he had:
“I got to grow up bonding with my classmates, and
I got to know my teachers better. Th e opportunities
they gave me are countless. Th e whole environment
plays a huge role in academic achievement. I’m
always going to love my Model family.”
Model continues to accept applications at model. for the upcoming school year. Find out
more and keep up with our events by following @
EKUModel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Students learn transferable skills that can be applied in college, career,
and other life endeavors.
Model Laboratory School
Eastern Kentucky University
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 622-4008
A p r i l - M ay 2 02 0
Madison Magazine