Madison County Graduation 2020 | Page 46

CONGRATULATIONS! Cassidy Kourtney Spease Madison Kitchens Southern We are so proud of you and Words all your cannot hard work! express Can't how proud wait to we see are what of you, the and future we know holds you for will you! have an Love amazing Mom, Dad, future! Jenny We Love You! CONGRATULATIONS! Ethan Woods Madison High School Southern High School It's so hard to believe this time is here! You are ready to graduate and go out into the world. Time has flown by, but we have cherished each Makenna milestone or "first" in your life. Lee From the first time you crawled, your first words, your first steps, sports experiences, first day of school, first deer, first time on the mound, driving, cooking, Parrett dating, and we could keep going. We have loved being part of them all. We are your biggest fans and Madison supporters, which will Southern never change no matter your age. We are beyond proud of the man you have High become. We School love your heart, your passion, and your dimples. We can't wait to see where it takes Class you in life! of You 2020 came into this world just six months after 9-11, and now have Take endured PRIDE a major pandemic in how that caused far your you have senior come year to stand still. have You and FAITH your classmates have endured a lot. Yet through it all you in how have learned far from you adversity can go and grown !! as individuals. Dont ever stop getting back up when We life are knocks very you down. proud Keep of Christ you!! close to you always and He will direct your paths. Love, We Mom love you, & Mom Dad and and Dad Wes CONGRATULATIONS! Matthew Flanary Sizemore Madison Patterson Southern High School Congrats Matthew we love you and are very proud of you and we can’t wait to see Congratulations, Flanary! We Dad, love Deanna, you! what all you accomplish! Love Mom, Jordan, Seth, Mamaw, Papaw, Tawnya, Ryan and Jacob CONGRATULATIONS! Megan Jalon Abrams Lamb Madison Madison Southern Southern High High School School Reach for the sky! Nothing's impossible Megan, when we you are realize the so strength proud that's of inside you! you. We When love you and feel like know giving you up....when will do they say it can't be done, it's up to you great to show things! them they're wrong. Words Love, only come to Mom, life when Dad, you Mandy believe. We love you! Momma & Dad, and Jesse Gavin & Jazi CONGRATULATIONS! Elizabeth Luke Prewitt Brock We are so blessed and proud to have you as our son. You've grown into an amazing young man. The courage and strength you've shown proves you can succeed at anything in life. Remember to reach for the stars! "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Love, Eric, Mom and Ellie CONGRATULATIONS! Logan Christopher Mullins Madison Southern You're everything a daughter High School could I’m so proud of you today be; beautiful, intelligent, talented, and every day. I know the independent future and is caring. wide-open for you and you can accomplish We love you so much! anything you set your mind Mom and to. Dad I love you. ~ Mom CONGRATULATIONS! Madison Halie Lane Morris Madison McGuire Southern Madison High School Southern We are so Proud of You! High School You are a Beautiful Class of 2020! We Young are so lady proud with of you. a Bright Spread your Future wings, ahead. and Always shoot reach for the for stars. the stars. Love You! Love, Mom, Terry, Dad, Dad, Crystal Mom and & Tori Emily CONGRATULATIONS! Jayden Margaret Barrett Madison Southern Grace High School Brock Madison Southern Jayden, we are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments! High School We can’t wait to see how you shake up this ole world. Remember to work hard Graduating and have with lots of fun. We Academic love you Excellence so big!! Dad, So proud Mom of & you, Jarod Love Mom and Dad 46 - Graduation 2020