would say look at the people you aspire to be
most like and look at their path of success.
And history is littered with people who had to
take their time to get to their destiny and their
So what type of
practical things
would you
Let’s just
say for
example you
want to get
but it hasn’t
happened yet...
what do you
do? I tell people,
start finding a way to
add value to the people
you work for. Start finding
a way to add value to your bosses. Because
if you’re adding value to your bosses, and
you are helping who you work for and their
lives to become better, I promise you that
is a key to help you find success in the long
run. And it’s also a great way to utilize the
waiting period productively. So I do believe
that waiting on your career is a good thing
because it really, really, really, helps prepare
you. So many times we’re focused on where
we want to be. It’s one thing to get there,
but if you don’t have the skillset when you
arrive, you’re gonna blow it.
And part of the value along the way is to (1)
know what your skillset is, know what you
have to offer, feel very confident in that, feel
very good about who you are, and also commit
yourself to the process. And when you say “Hey,
I’m going to give myself over to the process
of success,” that requires time. It requires
commitment. It requires determination. It
requires patience. It requires persistence. These
are the ingredients.
And the fastest way to lose sight along the
way is to become frustrated. And to become
bitter. And to also become prideful. And to
also say “I should be/I don’t deserve this…I
should be here by now.”It’s one thing where
you’ve been in a situation where you literally
have had a track record for a number of years,
you’ve made contribution, and then you know
“Okay, I’m not where I want to be at, and I
can’t necessarily get that from my current job,
so maybe I do need to look for a new job that
will help me get there. But you should never
make a decision out of “this is taking too long.”
It should really be more out of….you know’s like a cost-benefit analysis.
So, when you don't have the position you
hope for yet, how does one continue to
know their own value while adding value to
their boss?
So, how do we conduct our own cost-benefit
DF: So before I left Sony to start my own
You should know your value. Look at the
people you aspire to be like. Look at the
success in their lives. And when you look at
success, people who have been successful, it
never happened overnight. It just never does.
And so, the idea that we would be frustrated
that things aren’t happening fast enough...I
production company, I did do my own costbenefit analysis. Which is: “Is the benefit of the
experience that I’m getting with this job greater
than what it costs for me to stay here?” For ten
years, I was like no, “I’m getting the benefit out
of it.” And I’m getting more benefit than it’s
costing. But it got to a point where I realized,
“Wait, it’s starting to cost me more than what
I’m getting out of it because I know that I
wanna produce." I’ve done a lot of films in the