MADE Legends Edition | Page 47

MADE INC CREATING A VISION BOARD 3. PLAN YOUR BOARD After gathering the images you want, arrange them in a way that fits your aesthetic. Once you’ve planned out your board, take a photo of it before gluing because you’ll have to move everything to start gluing things down. Still skeptical? Here are some examples of some super successful vision board-ers and their stories of triumph. KATY PERRY In 2009, MTV asked Katy Perry about her journey to success and she described making a vision board when she was just nine years old. “Her teacher asked the class to make a “vision board” — a collage of images cut out from magazines that represents the dreams and aspirations you hope to manifest in life. The year was 1993 and Selena had just won a Grammy Award, so nineyear-old Katy chose a photo of the young Latin pop singer holding her golden statuette.” One decade later, Perry was nominated for her first Grammy Award. CREATING A VISION BOARD 4. ADMIRE YOUR WORK Revel in the glory of your success plan. You’ve put your desires onto paper and out into the universe. Now it’s time to see that it manifests. ELLEN DEGENERES In an episode of the Ellen show where she shows the audience her vision board about her dreams of being on the cover of Oprah’s magazine, which was quite ambitious since Oprah was the cover girl of every issue. But, Ellen eventually got her wish. BEYONCÉ She’s conquered the hell out of the music industry, but being a big screen queen is still a goal of hers. That’s precisely why she placed a picture of an Academy award right near her treadmill that she looks at daily so she can keep her goals literally right in front of her. The movie Dreamgirls that she starred in was nominated for an Academy award. | 47