MADE Issue 9 | Page 32

MADE XXXX PASS port JUNKIE MADE By Carri Cowan With September upon us, you suddenly are quickly reminded that the year is almost over. And then undoubtedly your thoughts jump to whether you’ve gotten everything done you’d hope for. Travel, like anything else is a time and money investment and will definitely elude you once a busy life takes hold. Overwhelmed thinking about it? Take a deep breath and focus on all you’ve accomplished. There will always be more to see and do. In the meantime, if you haven’t hit your travel goals, live vicariously through me. I’m reflecting on my travels this year and sharing an unforgettable moment from each trip. You know that moment where your thanking god you took the trip… or asking him to get you through to the end. Lol! It’s the collection of these moments that makes travel a worthy part of your yearly goals. So get something on the books for the last quarter of the year! Hopefully the holiday season will afford you some time off.