MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 13

Cultivate existing relationships daily . Make it a point to disconnect from work and reconnect to the real world . Authentic human interaction can change your attitude ( for the good or the bad ) and may even give you a boost energy to keep going . Dedicating time to tap into connections with friends and associates will be beneficial to your personal growth and development .
In terms of professional networking , many times opportunities for business development are all around you and may be lying in your immediate circle . Set time aside each day to connect to individuals in your network to exchange ideas , create collaborations and discover ways to support business associates in their endeavors .
Create an environment that fosters success . Your environment is an integral part of being productive . Organize your study or workspace in a way that is conducive for creativity and idea generation .
Practice a self improvement activity every day . There are several activities that can improve your personal skillset each day . Spend even just 20 minutes writing out your goals and affirmations . Speak in front of the mirror for 10 minutes per day to practice vocalizing your thoughts on various subject manners . Stay informed by reading top headlines from the news each morning . Read at least one book ( or audiobook ) per month in subjects you are interested in .
Join a collective of like-minded individuals . To accomplish many of your milestones , resources , guidance and additional support will be necessary . Exchange ideas with a mastermind group of leaders with similar goals . Conferences , summits and expos are excellent ways to meet professionals on the spot . Industry organizations and membership clubs are other forums to connect to individuals with similar interests and goals . made-magazine . com | 13