MAD pages Volume 1 | Issue 1 | August 2013 | Page 16

Employability Skills Are you Employable ?

Top 7 skills that make you more Employable . What they don ' t teach you at schools and colleges but you need the most when you look for a job . – Saurabh Verma


he first thing that comes to mind when you are in your final year of graduation is

Tgetting employed , but what goes unnoticed is are you employable or fit to work ? If your skills do not go hand in hand with the needs of the industry even if you land a job you won ' t really be able to perform at desired levels and soon either you ' ll be dissatisfied or you ' ll be sacked . This article discusses a few of the skills required by and for almost all the jobs and companies . Effective Communication : The first and one of the most important skills which is required to perform well in any job is the communication skill , pick any newspaper or job listing portal and you ' ll find the most common skill required for a job is good communication skill . Problem Solving : The second most important skill is the skill to solve problems . We all face problems on a daily basis , wildly successful people across the globe have few things in common one of which is problem solving skill . Team Work : The third most important skill is the skill to work in teams . To succeed in a work environment we all need high performing teams , the problem is the members who are not at the same plane and require handling to be brought at a consensus to work on the goals . Time Management : The fourth most

16 important skill is the skill to manage time . It has been said that time is the most scarce and important resource in today ' s world . Managing time and delivering results on a deadline is a sure shot way to display talent in cut throat competition this not only shows the level of your productivity but also your keenness in achieving organization goals . Goal Setting : The fifth most important skill is goal setting . The skill to set and achieve individual as well as organizational goals is not only personally rewarding but helps in an overall growth of any organization . Planning : “ If you fail to plan you plan to fail ” as I wrote in the earlier article . Planning is the sixth most important skill to make one employable . If you cannot plan the minute details it welcomes plethora of unexpected scenarios and reduces the vision to see and grab opportunities . Leadership : Last but never the least , the most important skill required to be employable is the Leadership skill if you are a good leader you understand the importance of goal setting , planning for achieving goals , working of teams , solving the problems , communicating the goals and plans effectively and manage the time to achieve the desired results . In future issues we ' ll be discussing all these skills and how to acquire them and become more employable when the schools and colleges do not teach them .