MAD pages Volume 1 | Issue 1 | August 2013 | Page 14

Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons

THE MYTHS of Relationships

Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons

We live in a world where ideals and expectations are passed down , not just through generations , but through media . Books , movies , television shows and even music have given us an idea on how relationships should be . We ' ve all heard the stories of impossible situations always working out for everyone involved . Whether it is an affair to remember where the married partner leaves their other half for the one they ' re cheating with or after years of not communicating , that old flame decides to call and reignite . When it comes to relationships , what ' s myth and what ' s real ?

Myth 1 : Once A Cheater , Always A Cheater
Most women ( and some men ) will support this myth wholeheartedly but the fact is , people can change . It won ’ t happen overnight , but at some point most of these ‘ cheaters ’ realize that their wicked little ways has cost them one of the best things in their life . If they are serious about changing , then they will find a way to contact the one who they feel they hurt the most and will try to make amends . This doesn ’ t apply to all cheaters , of course .
Myth 2 : If He / She Doesn ' t Call It Means They ’ re Not Interested
We ' ve all had these doubts run through our minds when we ' ve had what we thought was an amazing first date . As we wait by the phone , we start to wonder if our amazing date was viewed the same way by the other party involved . But rather then thinking “ Oh he / she is just not into me ” why not consider that they are also sitting at home , staring at the phone , wondering when they ' re going to hear from you . Be bold , make the first move . Show that you ' re not afraid of taking a chance . If they are truly not interested , then they shouldn ' t be afraid to say so to you .


“ You don ' t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday . You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity .” --Epicurus