Mad Mad Money Feb 2017 | Page 3

Mad Mad


Editor ’ s Note

Welcome to this edition of Mad Mad Money !
Like every issue we have something new and unique yet fundamentally crucial ! So , to start off I would like to give one statement followed by three questions . Think of them very very carefully since our issue this time will be completely based on it , and who knows your future life as well !
We are all mad about money . But how come only a handful of us actually make it big ? Why only some of us get to become great job creators from being mere job seekers ? Why can ’ t most of us have what it takes to become really successful in life ? Well , some attribute it to the luck factor , some on hard work , some even claim destiny , but we at Mad Mad Money know the real secret . Money is all about the Mindset and nothing else . If you can get the mindset right you will be creating your own destiny yourself and your luck would follow .
In this issue we talk about a few common and persistent mindsets that we have about money – both general and specific . General mindset about money includes beliefs like it is the root cause of all evil and other general aspects like how it is to be looked at , managed and invested . Specific mindsets about money on the other hand include our commonplace thoughts about savings , investments , stock market , debt , etc . Needless to say , most of us harbor a lot of myths , false expectations , erroneous ideas and basically have a very wrong mindset about these specific aspects of money . This issue aims to change it all !
The current issue of Mad Mad Money is all about the three buzzwords Money . Mindset . Matters - taking up various aspects of money mindsets - both general and on specific issues to throw the covers off the underlying myth and erroneous beliefs and uncover the real stark naked truth underlying it all . The truth about how to make money . The secret wand for the riches . The uncommon yet tried and tested path towards true success
and self-attainment of one ’ s true potential in life , and the source seed of real wealth .
To conclude , Mad Mad Money is here to talk about everything to do with money that draws your attention and passion , but in a different way , with a slightly different touch … that unique magic wand of mindset change that just makes all this attainable in practical terms . Simply put , if taken in seriously and internalized with sincerity , it holds the power to change lives and destinies . Are you up for it ? Keep reading and keep getting rich !
Sachin Mittal