Mad_About_Money_final Mad About Money_Dec 2016 | Page 2
Issue no.3
12_Making money
by selling time
vs. making money work
for you
_Is investment in
assured returns the right
thing to do?
Debt is a two
-way bridge
that connects
poverty to
Forgive yourself
For your financial
16_YIs it okay to sell
your home to pay off your
20_Stop trading
time for money
and start trading
value for money
22_Not having liability is a
great asset
24_Banks will never
can get rich
money away
from others
myths about
a house
I think there is hesitation
in sharing information
honestly. However, I don’t
understand it all. It might
be possible that I came
from a family where
talking about money
matters like “about my
current salary”, “about
my expenditure” and
“about my plans to save
money” are just normal
and absolutely ready
for discussion topics
between my family and
30_ When you buy
Hence, why cannot we be
more candid and honest
in our money talks with
best friends?
_ You can adopt, if not
afford the rich man’s ways
Talking about money is
still a forbidden subject
even in this present
age of clearness and
frankness between
coworkers and friends.
Somewhere or the other,
we all really want to
know how much money
everyone else is making
and spending, however
we can never go upfront
and ask.
make you rich
Editor’s Note
without a plan, emotions
dictate your spending
_ Is your financial
mindset about prosperity
- or scarcity?
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It will feel uncomfortable
to mention the topic
of salary, but it will be
well worth it. For some
people, talking to your
friends about money
could be even more
awkward than speaking
with your professional
However, if the topic is
forbidden out of jealousy
or comparison, then
it is best to stay away.
Nevertheless, if you have
such people in your life
with whom you can talk
about money then it is so
Here is best example
explaining why
communication between
friends about money is
favorable: Say for an
instance, you and your
friend usually hang out
by going out to bars
and restaurants. Or if
you have a friend who
consistently proposes
vacations that you cannot
afford. But you have
decided to get on the way
to save money and get
debt free, thus you are
spending less everywhere
you can. Your friend
invites you everywhere
and you give a polite but
firm negative response. If
you will ignore him often,
eventually, he will stop
inviting you.
However, if you would
have mentioned your
problem to your friend,
your objective to pay off
your loan, he would have
understood and might
have supported you by
some cost-cutting social
alternatives. You must
have a calm and openminded talk with him.
He might get inspired
by your dedication and
follow your money
saving decision. With
your revelation with
money related talks,
another friend dealing
with debt may now feel
comfortable in talking
about money with you.
He can find relief in this
shared journey of saving
Your friend is your
support system, hence
he can help you in staying
committed towards your
aims, and sequentially,
you can help him.
One of the most
important factors of
money discussions is to
be tolerant with each
other. You must share
opinions as per your
budget or financial goals.
You must always keep
in mind that discussion
about your money
should not become a
game of comparison or
a source of argument.
You can also share your
money allied problems
and learn from those
who are handling their
finances better.
Sachin Mittal