Mad_About_Money_final Jan 2017 | Page 3

Money MadAbout

Editor ’ s Note

If there ’ s one common thread , that runs through each and every one of us connecting us and binding us to each other is this – we are all mad about money in our respective lives ! Be it a multimillionaire businessman or the local neighborhood vegetable vendor , our madness about money is a crucial part of our existence – the madness to have it , the madness to attain it , the madness to save it and protect it and of course , the madness to have excess of it and be rich !
To put this in the current perspective , 8th November 2016 might have come that morning like any other day but it definitely left with a bang ! Almost two months now , towards a new and constantly changing cashless economy , the only statement that can perhaps hold true about each and every citizen of India is everyone is currently Mad About Money , specifically cash ! So right from the government down to the average young student , everyone is mad about one single thing right now – and that ’ s money ! In this issue too we deal with money itself as a core asset , what it means and stands for . More importantly , it will be about each and every facet that drives us crazy … how to earn it easily , how to have it more , how to save it better , how to invest it to grow , but more importantly , and here lies the difference , how to change our mindsets so that all this happens by default and much easily !
Our lead story this edition is quite an interesting read where we talk about looking rich vs being rich . Since we all want to become rich , have we ever questioned ourselves whether we want to look rich because we want people to think we are rich , or whether we want to be rich so that we can look rich . Which do we want more ? Which is more important to us ? Which is more important to people who are already rich and successful ? The Tata ’ s and the Zuckerbergs of the world ? What do they do ? How do they spend their time ? In being rich or looking rich ? More importantly , does one necessarily define the existence of the other ? Interesting elements to assess from a mindset perspective isn ’ t it ? Our lead story in our inaugural edition is all about this and much more .
To conclude , Mad About Money is here to talk about everything to do with money that draws your attention and passion , but in a different way , with a slightly different touch … so that unique magic wand that just makes all this slightly more attainable in practical terms .
So keep reading and keep getting rich !
Sachin Mittal