Mad_About_Money_final April 2017 | Page 29

Mad About Money ty, become a professional hangover helper in the locality! So get hold of your dart set and go earn some cash! 5. Give Product Demos 7. Sell a secret language: Next time you get a haircut, try and earn some money for it! Hair is always needed for making wigs and other theatre disguises, etc. So you can sell your hair to earn some money! Starting from malls to big fairs, from corporates to individuals, brands are always on the lookout for people to give their product demo to win the mindshare of their poten- tial target group. So be it the latest smartphone with some cool featu- res or a household item like a roti maker, giving product demos are easy cash right there! In today’s day of what- sapp, messenger and all the social networ- king apps and features, having a code language the code to which only you know and the person you share it with, is a novel and romantic way to make communication interesting! Rack your brains a little, invent a secret language and go sell it and its code key! 4. Become a hangover helper 6. Organize Games in Sales Meets 8. As weird as it may sound, life is all about identifying opportunities around you and encashing them! All of us have had those mornings with severe hangovers where you cursed being alone and thought ‘only if there was someone’ to do this, give that, help me get over the hangover, etc. Yes, so if you happen to live aro- und a student communi- Marketing, sales meetin- gs, be it a product launch or a distributor meet, are always about inviting a group of people and then making them happy. Usually organized in five star properties, there is always a need for fun and games arrangement outside the banquet during the waiting hours etc when distributors can have fun and win prizes! to many, being a life model for painters, scul- ptures, etc are not only a good thing for artistic reasons but it also pays! Such life modeling needs all types of body shapes and sizes, hence however you are you can definitely life model for art! 3. 1. Sell your photographs Almost all of us have a DSLR now and what we all do with it is go click happy, taking snapshots of whatever we fancy and of course our vacation snaps! Well, organiza- tions pay huge sums of money to buy well composed photographs from online sites for their webpages, blogs, etc. So go put your photographs on sale! 2. Become a life model Being a ramp or a com- mercial model might need a lot of hard work and effort..including ha- ving the right height and body type, but unknown Sell your hair Become a face painter in front of a kid’s school If you have drawing ta- lent, want to earn cash by having fun, nothing like carrying a set of brushes and paint to a children’s school during the eve- ning holiday hours. One kid gets his/her face pa- inted and you are done! Get ready for atleast an hour of painting, laughter, happiness and of course fast cash! 29