Mackinac Island Weddings Mackinac Weddings Honeymoon and Guest Accommodations any Island weddings start out small, but grow as the date approaches. “We didn’t expect so many guests we invited would actu- ally make the trip,” is a frequent com- ment from brides about their con- firmed guest list. Mackinac Island is such a popular destination that many guests will combine a vacation with your wedding and stretch their visit into several days. And why not, it will make your wedding that much more memorable for them. Mackinac Island offers over 1,500 rooms ranging from historic tourist homes, condos, cottages and B&Bs, to full service hotels and resorts. Why stay on the mainland when there are Mackinac is such a popular resort destination that many guests will combine a vacation with your wedding weekend. plenty of rooms on the Island for your guests to fully enjoy. Room rates on the Island vary but many people are surprised to discover that Island rates are not any more than what hotels on the mainland in Mackinaw City cost. Plus, Mackinac Island offers a unique experience not found elsewhere. Stay on the Island to encounter every bit of Mackinac magic. One of the Island's nicest and most charming accommodations is the romantic M AIN S TREET I NN . Located right downtown, this luxurious and inti- mate hotel is perfect for your honey- moon night or for your guests seeking a special lodging experience. Contact wedding facilitator Julie Fisher at the Main Street Inn for information at 906-847-6530. Main Street Inn Sunset Condos 3 bedroom unit & Suites Rated # 1 on Romantic Honeymoon Suites with In-Room Jacuzzi Tubs • Air Conditioning • Cable Television • Pillow Top Mattresses • Refrigerator • Internet Access • Secure Bike Storage • Safety Deposit Boxes 906-847-6530 Mackinac Island Wedding Guide 19