Let ’ s meet Joe …
Hello . What is your name ? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business ?
My name is Joe Goldsmith . I ' ve been involved with the music and entertainment business for most of my life in some respect or another ; be it on stage or behind the scenes . Focusing on the industry side of music , it has been three good years .
When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation ?
After I left the teaching profession , I entered into a music agreement as an artist and there I learned what it really takes to " make it ". At that time , making it was not an option for me for various reasons . So , I told myself that if I wanted to be a successful mainstream musician , I had to learn the industry . So I did . I started studying , talking to the right people , setting up business models , making connections , and before I knew it 3 years had gone by and now I am having this interview with MACKIE ! My motivation was that I did not want to let myself or my family down . As I said , I had left a very successful teaching position to pursue other dreams and failure was not an option for me . So , I asked God to take the reigns of my life and help me build this ministry . I was and continue to walk in faith .
Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most ?
Faith in God and in His Gospel is what I rely on to keep my head and heart in the right place every day . As far as people , I have a lot of friends who have been in the industry much longer than I so I called to their guidance as matters came up . I gather inspiration from numerous people and sources ; I cannot really pinpoint any one particular .
Do you have any special events , shows / gigs coming up ?
We are currently planning a tour for the late Summer / early Fall in the MidWest and West Coast . To anyone reading this , feel free to contact me if you are interested in hosting our bands and artists on the tour !
What would you like your legacy to be ?
Primarily , I would like for my legacy to be remembered as an example of Christianity doing it ' s thing !... that is helping others , spreading the good news , and living as children of God . I also would like for people to know that we are a music business that can be relied on to help you achieve your goals and to provide only the best product quality of work and service to you and the listeners .
Do you have other interests ? What services does your company offer ?
Our services constitute a OneStopShop should the musician / band want everything . We provide top notch quality recording facilities , merchandise , marketing , booking , graphic and web design , music videos , managerial services , and most importantly an education of the industry itself . Our goal is to make you a FINDIE : Financially Independent Artist . Meaning , you do not need a major label to give you money to support your career . However , should that be your ultimate goal , we can also act as a stepping stone for you to develop as a music ministry and grow your business to impress the major labels .
Any special words of encouragement or advice for our readers ?
Do not ever give up on your dreams . If you believe you are called to write and / or play Christian music , then do it ! We would love to hear from you and see how we may be of service .
Go in peace , Help others , Serve the Lord , and as always # SpreadtheWord
Modern Ministry Records … Modern Ministry