Let ’ s Meet Lisa Forbes ….
Hello . What is your name ? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business ? My name is Lisa Forbes but in the biz I ' m known as L . or L . Marrie
When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation ? I have always wanted to be in entertainment in some form or fashion . I began my college career as a Theater major and attended my first few years on a theatre scholarship . Lately , it seems I have become more interested in being behind the scenes in production and management .
Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most ? It is hard to narrow it down to just one or two people . First , as always I have been helped most by God who has provided me with the talents and resources to be successful . Next I would have to thank my business partner and fiancé who is incredibly talented . It ' s hard not to be inspired when you around someone who has the same vision , not to mention he is a slave driver so there is no time for slacking on my part . Finally , I have met so many incredible independent artists and they motivate me to provide them with a space where they can showcase their talents . I also have a wonderful family of radio broadcasters who I would have never met had it not been for Internet radio .
What are some of the highlights of your career so far ? The biggest highlights so far have been to interview artists from as far away as Africa and New Zealand and to have them as featured artists .
Have you received any special awards or achievements ? When we were broadcasting via Blog Talk Radio we were listed on their front page as a Blog Talk Radio Pick for doing the first ever 24 hour radio telethon to raise money for The Jiddy Talk Foundation in Dallas , Texas to provide Christmas toys for underprivileged children .
Do you have any special events , shows / gigs coming up ? We will be having the grand re-launch of Verb Radio coming up on May 7 . It has been a long time coming and we are very excited to be back on the air !
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years ? Hmmm ... that question always gets me . I guess I can honestly say wherever the Lord leads me .
What would you like your legacy to be ? I would like to know that I made a difference in some way to someone . Even if it is something as simple as a person being able to say I made them smile .
Do you have other interests ? What services does your company offer ? My fiancé and I are partners in Ellen Wright Group LLC , which owns Verb Radio and The Verb Radio Network . We are Creative Consultants providing self publishing support to writers and we do audio production . We also offer critique and consultative work in these areas .
Any special words of encouragement or advice for our readers ? ... whatever you do , whether in word or deed , do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus , giving thanks to God the Father through him . Amen .
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