MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 \"The Special Edition\" June 2013 | Page 27

Meet Entrepreneur Brenda Solomon aka Devine Jamz

Devine Jamz Gospel Network was created to help fulfill God ' s purpose , telling all the nations of the world about the Gospel of Jesus Christ . Providing Free Advertising For Christian Ministries is our method of doing his will in a effort to network and expose other great ministries and individuals . 1Cr 9:23 , " I do all this for the sake of the gospel , that I may share in its blessings ". For more information about our ministry , please go to : http :// www . devinejamz . net /
Devine Jamz Gospel Network market Christian media products and services that are free or affordable . We understand that marketing Gospel media requires much dedication and often can be costly . Therefore , we partner with other ministries and companies to assists them with sales and promotions through their Affiliate Marketing Program . We work for a commission that ’ s usually between 5-40 percent . We require that your marketing program include a transparent tracking and reporting system that allow us to have direct access to view current leads , clicks , and sales we produce from our services .
We market products through our parent website ( http :// www . devinejamz . net /), our sister website ( http :// www . devinebroadcasting . com /), and blog site ( http :// www . devinejams . com /). The resources used includes our connected Christian organizations , webpages , radio station , social networks , classified Ads , professional classified providers , and ranking search engines . Using a targeted SEO method we are able to reach the Christian audience globally . Throughout our parent website , sister website and blog website , you will find that there are free service and special rates to take advantage of .
Our Intent Is To Effectively Help Ministries and Gospel Artists Promote The Gospel of Jesus Christ And Help Edify The Kingdom Of God . 1Cr 9:23 , " I do all this for the sake of the gospel , that I may share in its blessings ". All proceeds received for our services are used to support the cost of the websites used for our free advertising out reach !
Say Hello to Ms . Devine Jamz …
Hello . What is your name ? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business ? Brenda Solomon , Managing Co-Owner at Devine Jamz Gospel Network : Operations Includes " Free Christian Advertising and Marketing " ( devinejamz . net ); " Free Advertising Christian Blog " ( devinejams . com ); and " Gospel Radio Promotions and Advertising " ( devinebroadcasting . com ); I ' ve been involved in the industry since our founder created our network ministry 10-1-2009
When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation ? 2009 is when I begin to use the Internet to benefit others in the Christian music industry ! My motivation was that I wanted to show God that I was serious about serving for him . I wanted to use the free time and gift he gave me to help others through Gospel Music Advertising and Marketing !
Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most ? Well God of course allowed certain circumstances to occur in my life which motivated me to serve for his kingdom . In addition , he used my fiancé to encourage and inspire me ! Any Christian that testify about how they made it through their storm and still pressing on to finish the race they started is a motivation for me .
What are some of the highlights of your career so far ? I truly don ' t consider my ministry as my career . God has given me the passion and desire to help others the way I do through advertising and marketing . It ' s more so a pleasure . I would do this paid or unpaid as I am doing it for free now ! However , I ’ m filled with joy just to know I was a source that has given gospel artists hope and belief that they would make it to their mark .
Have you received any special awards or achievements ? No , I haven ’ t been that involved with the industry as of yet ! I believe working behind the scene and knowing that God see that I ’ m storing up the treasures for heaven is rewarding enough for me .