a tune that will leave them dancing and singing all the way home. Beverly skillfully writes and sings the words that are trapped in
our hearts but we find it hard to express. She has a gift of connecting with her audience. Her concerts are injected with energy that
leaves her audiences powered up, fired up and wanting more! Beverly is also a guest speaker / workshop instructor for Women's
Retreats, Vocal Training and Songwriting Workshops. Beverly Rivers' Ministries is funded by proceeds from CD sales,
honorariums and tax-deductible gifts made by financial partners and business sponsors. When she is not wearing the Gospel Diva
or Teaching Evangelist hats, Beverly works to duplicate her skill and heart for musical excellence in other performing artists as The
Vocal Coach. She teaches, supports and encourages artists to give God excellence in the performing arts, connecting them to
Breakfree Christian Performers Association, Inc., for mentoring and fellowship. There is more testimony than one bio can hold.
Invite Beverly Rivers to sing or speak at your next event and draw from a very deep well filled from a heavenly source.
Visit the website…Beverly Rivers