MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 Magazine May - June 2014 Issue 3 | Page 19
Derek’s personal favorites from the album? “It’s hard to choose because they’ve all been through the process of just
being an idea and then growing into a full-fledged song. I have to thank my producer, Tommee Profitt, for bringing
these songs to life and transforming them. But some of my personal favorites are Carry On, King of Glory, and You Are
Carry On – This song just started with a guitar riff that I had been playing around with for a while. Once the lyrics and
the concept for the song emerged, it came together relatively quickly (which doesn’t always happen!). It also felt like a
good title for the album…Carry On. I love the imagery of Paul in Philippians 3:14, ‘I press on toward the goal to win the
prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’ Paul’s attitude puts things into perspective for me; I can
get so caught up in what this life offers and focus on my own comforts and needs.
King of Glory – In all honesty, King of Glory is just a straight-up worship song. I like it for its simplicity as a song that can
be in a worship set and can draw people in. It’s a song that acknowledges God as King and Lord over all. He is infinite,
we are finite. He is eternal, our days have a beginning and an end. For that reason, He is worthy of praise!
You Are Good – You Are Good is deeply personal for me and the journey my family and I have been on. It was one of the
last songs I wrote for the album and I’m truly glad it made the cut! It really speaks of following Christ through the ups
and downs and ultimately keeping our eyes fixed on Him. When it states “In the longing, I wait for You…In this inbetween, I wait for You,” that’s really about Heaven. We wait in anticipation for Christ’s return…for our reunion with
Him. And despite what we face in this life, the promise of Heaven far outweighs it all!
In starting a new venture musically, Derek looks to the future with great expectation. “My ultimate hope is that God is
glorified and lifted up through this album and ministry. My desire is to say ‘Let Your will be done through this God. Let
me get out the way so You can move through these songs and touch hearts.’ There are so many who need to know the
love of Jesus and come into a personal relationship with Him. If I can be used in the process in any way, it will all be
worth it.”
Carry On, the debut album by Derek Charles Johnson is available for download on iTunes,, Spotify and
several other online music sites. It is also available for purchase in CD form from this site (see store page).
If you are interested in booking Derek for a concert or event at your church or other venue, please e-mail this ministry
directly at [email protected]