The newest release from contemporary Christian , singer / songwriter E . Pettersen is now available on the Lovesongs , Ltd . label . It has been called a collection of inspirational , contemporary Christian originals from easy-listening to the power and emotion of a rock-opera . From the inspirational opening track " Ground Zero ," which received national exposure on the Don Imus show , to the final cut " Where ' s The Change ?" which will have fellow Christians searching their pockets and their hearts , Pettersen will both entertain and intrigue the listener with his infectious hooks . The CD pays tribute to heroes of all kinds . The American soldier of World War II , in " The Mission "... the amazing and seemingly tireless workers at Ground Zero in the song of the same name , the Lord Himself in " Held By Love "... fathers , in " A Walk in The Park " and other inspirations he has met in his daily walk .
Involved in Christian music since the age of seventeen , Pettersen has always wanted to write and produce a solo project . The Mission isn ' t only the title of the album , it ' s the embodiment of what this effort has meant to him as it has come together .
" I really wanted to inspire the listener to look at themselves and the world around them in a whole new way with this album " he says , " I pray that there ' s something in this collection to inspire everyone who listens ."
To Learn more about Ed visit … Ed Pettersen