MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 MACKIE Magazine The Special Edition Issue 2 | Page 24

of success within the year. The recipient will receive a plaque and trophy as well as an original song recorded by GRAMMY Award winning Producer Brien Fisher. Aside from theatre, Colt is involved in numerous other activities and organizations. He serves as the CEO/President of the International Music and Entertainment Association, Inc., a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating and promoting live music and enter tainment, and performing arts. He owns a music-based media outlet ‘Country Music Media’. Colt is an active Arts Advocate, and is the Arts Staff Writer for the Cedartown Standard. He serves on many committees most notably the Rockmart Christmas Parade Committee, CPAC’s Fundraising Committee, RCAC’s Theatre Committee, RCAC’s Literary Committee and Cedartown’s Children’s Enrichment Committee (where he heads the Summer Theatre Camp Program). He is the Marketing Director for the Ma White’s Bottoms Show, a live music showcase that is held monthly at the Rockmart Theatre. He does freelance marketing, public relations, and blogging as well as serving as a social media consultant to many. Colt recently had the honor of attending the University of Georgia as a guest speaker, and spoke to students (and some alumni) about Music Business, Performing Arts, and his experience working with non-profits and arts organizations. Colt has come to the realization that their just is not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything that he’d like, but he’s got a head start and a passion for everything that he does. 
 “I found the theatre, and I found my home,” isColt’s favorite quote, and he lives by that motto. Colt can be reached at any time via e-mail:
 [email protected](General/Personal) [email protected] (International Music and Entertainment Association, Inc) [email protected] (CPAC and Cedartown Arts) or by phone at 615-530-1203 (office). You can contact Colt for more information on his production experience, arts advocacy, consultation, or just to say “hi.” Mr. Colt Chambers is a BroadwayGlobal success story. Colt on Facebook Colt Chambers Website IMEA Website 24