MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 MACKIE Magazine The Special Edition Issue 2 | Page 12
Q&A with
Author and It
Radio Host
Monica M. Brinkman
Monica Brinkman believes in a humanitarian world. Her novel, The Turn of the Karmic Wheel, reflects this belief. The
sequel, The Wheels Final Turn, is expected to release in 2013. She is also a contributing author in 25 Years in the
Rearview Mirror: 52 Authors Look Back with her story, My Life As A Singing Telegram.
Ms Brinkman enjoys the beauty in life, choosing to be positive in a sometimes very negative world. She supports the
EBMRF Foundation in its search for a cure for the genetic disease Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Her laughter fills the airwaves and her heart fills the world. Monica is also an accomplished actress, singer and artist,
painting in oil and acrylic medium.
A member of the Missouri Writers Guild, V.P., host of It Matters Radio Show and columnist of A Touch of Karma, she
resides in the Midwest with her husband, 2 dogs and 5 cats.
This is one lady who believes in giving it forward!
Check out her web-sites and weekly column by clicking on: A Touch of Karma Meaningful Writings without everyone
working together, we would never have excelled.
Let’s meet Monica…
Q1: Hello. What is your name? How long have you been involved in the entertainment business?
Monica M Brinkman. I've been in entertainment far too many years to confess, so let's just say, well over twenty. As far as being the
Host of It Matters Radio, it has been a bit over two years.
Q2: When did you know that you wanted to be in this business and what was your motivation?
From the time I heard my first song, viewed my first movie; I knew this was my path in life. At first, I was motivated by the joy an
entertainer brings to the audience. Later, I found the most pleasure was in giving back to the world via the It Matters Radio Broadcast.
There are far too many talented individuals and groups who need exposure. So, we at It Matters Radio do all we are able to provide this
for them.
Q3: Who has helped you along the way and inspired you the most?
More than anyone, my husband Richard and my dear friends, Brenda Brown, Kenneth Weene and Kerry Hall. All these people give so
much of themselves to others and ask little or nothing in return. There is no other act that could inspire anyone more than pure
selflessness and I admire them greatly. Kerry has been a part of my life for so many years, she is like a sister; a part of the family.
Kenneth Weene, our Co-Host, assists so much in seeking guests and is an excellent fiction author in his own right. Then we have the
Big 'B' or should I say, Ms. Brenda Brown of Brenda Brown Entertainment. This is a woman who is so busy she really doesn't have the
time to act as Musical Director for our shows, but being the caring, giving woman she is, Brenda makes time and it is for the love of
Indie Artists and music. I'm so fortunate to have these individuals as friends and co-workers on It Matters Radio. Total inspiration.