BUdgeT doLLar aLLocaTIoN
70 % 5 % 10 % 10 % 5 %
Clean and Safe Programs Image Enhancement Transportation Improvements Advocacy and Administration Contingency Reserve
HOW IS THe moNeY SpeNT ?
Annual Operating Budget Summary
Although revenues may fluctuate from year to year , the proportional allocation of revenues remains consistent . Funds may be reallocated between services by up to fifteen percent ( 15 %) each year . The total improvement and activity plan budget for the Mack Road Partnership for 2012 was $ 410,511 .
clean and Safe programs 70 % of the total budget
Enhanced security services and maintenance services keep the Mack Road area safe and attractive for patrons , employees , residents and visitors . The Partnership ’ s security augments and liaises with existing security on Mack Road , including the security provided by the hospitals , retail centers , and apartment buildings . Our maintenance team does light landscaping , litter clean up and graffiti abatement . Both services offer tangible benefits to property owners .
Image enhancement 5 % of the total budget
The goal of the image enhancement program is to promote Mack Road as a vibrant commercial center . Marketing and advertising of the area keeps shoppers coming for entertainment and special events as well as regular shopping . An event and promotional campaign is underway and landscaping and other improvements are planned to beautify and make the area look more festive .