Machinery Lubrication May June 2014 May June 2014 | Page 40

environments like high temperatures, heavy workloads and pollution. Mobil oils are designed to provide outstanding performance that exceeds industry expectations and ensures sustained reliability of equipment at peak performance under all environments ExxonMobil shares the industry's commitment to meeting the demand for steel in a safe, sustainable way, offering innovative products services that drive help and business solutions and progress. Many of Mobil Industrial’s machine oils can help contribute towards reduced energy consumption and resource use through improved energy efficiency long oil life customer locations, these Mobil SHC we can help our customers maximize synthetic lubricants were shown to their productivity and bring them closer deliver energy savings of up to 3.6 to achieving their sustainability goals. extended equipment life percent when compared Q5. How much do you think the Based on these exceptional results, these oils have earned ExxonMobil Fuels, Lubricants Marketing designation & Specialties Company’s for “Energy official Efficient” industrial lubricants. They will now feature ExxonMobil Fuels, Lubricants & Specialties Marketing Program to meet the growing with conventional oils. Marketing ExxonMobil has a Steel Sector Global steel industry grow in India and in turn help your growth? needs of Indian industry. As part of this program, ExxonMobil customers in the offers steel its sector a comprehensive line-up of advanced The steel sector is one of the key technology industries of the national economy, along with its application expertise and and effectively supports the smooth technical support. Moving beyond and quick development of national offering highly advanced products, economy. ExxonMobil seeks to provide the Indian lubricants and