Loren Green | Noria Corporation BACK PAGE BASICS Lubrication Programs ADVANTAGES of Contracting Out Your LUBRICATION Program A cross industry there has been a move toward predictive and proactive maintenance, but unfortunately a large number of organizations are still operating in the reactive maintenance mode. This can be a difficult cycle to break due to the efforts required just to keep equipment running. Frequently, repairs only involve getting machines back up and not actually fixing them. Many maintenance departments are also woefully understaffed. Even teams with sufficient personnel often spend so much time “fighting fires” to keep the plant operating that little time is left for predictive or proactive maintenance. There simply are not enough hours in the day and not enough maintenance mechanics to repair the equipment properly in many organizations. This creates considerable demand on resources in the form of parts, labor and time. In addition, the cost of a breakdown can be significant, with the repair of the breakdown only a small portion of the breakdown’s total cost. Studies have shown that most organizations spend only 5 percent of 36 | September - October 2019 | their maintenance budget on lubricants and lubrication, yet approximately 70 percent of equipment failures are lubrication related. This would include applying the wrong lubricant, relubricating too often or not often enough, using too much or too little lubricant, and not controlling contamination adequately. In the end, your maintenance dollars will be spent one way or another. It is just a matter of when and how much. If you skimp on lubricants, breathers, filters, etc., you will continue to spend vast amounts of money on equipment downtime and repairs. Now consider the cost savings an effective lubrication program can provide in the form of increased equipment reliability, reduced lubricant consumption and fewer repair parts. Lower overtime costs could also pay for the program’s implementation and management. Doesn’t this sound like something that would be of interest to your plant manager? Lubrication: A Skilled Trade It is important to realize that proper lubrication is a skilled trade. Lube technicians must be trained how to determine which lubricant is best for each application. They should also know how to calculate the correct relubrication quantity and frequency. In order to learn these skills, technicians must be trained and certified. Just like every other skilled trade, lubrication requires a training and certification component. With the average age of skilled workers approaching 60, more and more of these individuals will be retiring in the next several years. Sadly, few younger 44 P E R C E N T of visitors say their plant outsources lubrication or maintenance tasks to contract-based laborers