PERSPECTIVE SILICONES (SYNTHETIC) POOR MODERATE BEST OXIDATION AND THERMAL STABILITY LOW VOLATILITY as to achieve increased varnish or deposit control, extended relubrication intervals or enhanced lubrication properties. Assess the pros and cons of switching lubricants in terms of cost, compatibility, change-out procedures, etc. HYDROLYTIC STABILITY ADDITIVE SOLUBILITY BIODEGRADABILITY LOW-TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR HIGH VISCOSITY INDEX SEAL COMPATIBILITY LOW COST MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE correct the root cause of the issue. New operating conditions or the use of a newtechnology may also be motivation for favoring high-temperature lubricants, along with simply desiring to enhance performance for improved reliability. Lubricant Selection The first step in the lubricant selection process for a high-temperature FLUID Polyalphaolefins (PAOs) application is to estimate the average operating temperature or temperature range. At this point, a temperature- control initiative may be implemented, such as installing a heat exchanger, insulant or additional ventilation. Also, be sure the OEM requirements and current machine conditions match the lubricant’s specifications. The expected performance improvement should be specific, such WEAKNESSES APPLICATIONS High VI, high thermal oxidative stability, low volatility, good flow properties at low temperatures, nontoxic and compatible with mineral oils Limited biodegradability, limited additive solubility, seal shrinkage risk Engine oils, gear oils, bearing oils, com- pressor oils, high-temperature grease, lube-for-life applications Low viscosities only, bad hydrolytic stability, limited seal and paint compatibility Compressor oils, high-temperature grease, co-base stock with PAOs, bearing oils, gear oils, oil mist, jet engine oils Low VI, limited seal compatibility, not miscible with mineral oils, moderate hydrolytic stability Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids used in power plants, factories, marine vessels, mining, aircraft and mobile equipment Excellent lubricity, nontoxic, good thermal and oxidative stability, high VI Additives marginally miscible, not miscible with mineral oils, limited seal/paint compatibility Refrigeration compressors, brake fluids (water soluble), fire-resistant fluids (water soluble), gas compressors (low gas solubility), worm and high-temperature gears, chain lube (clean burn off), metal-working and quenchants, H1 food-grade lubricants Highest VI, high chemical stability, excellent seal compatibility, very good thermal and oxidative stability Worst mixed and boundary film lubrication properties, not miscible with mineral oils or additives High-temperature fluids, specialty greases, lubricant-contacting chemicals, some brake fluids Nontoxic, biodegradable, high VI, good low-temperature properties, miscible with mineral oils Phosphate Esters Fire-resistant, biodegrades quickly, excellent wear resistance, scuffing protection Silicones and Perfluoropoly- ethers (PFPEs) Please note that synthetics are not the only suitable lubricants for high temperatures. Mineral oils with strong refining and additive packages may work as well. Synthetic lubricants must STRENGTHS Diesters and Polyolesters Polyalkylene Glycols (PAGs) To obtain the desired results, you may need to be more specific in terms of the lubricant’s technical properties. The suggested parameters or attributes to consider include the viscosity required by the machine or components at the operating temperature, the film strength properties, the oxidation resistance, the compatibility of the new lubricant with the current lubricant as well as with the synthetic materials in the machine, the potential impact of typical contaminants around the machine, and any OEM or industry standards. 16 | November - December 2019 |