while the equipment was in production. reports improved the success and its team on ways to prevent contamination.
Then the assembly was installed on a trial completion of work orders. Because Briner Briner
basis and tested for about 30 days. was receiving reports faster and understood touchpoints,” which are handouts that are
them better, he could create work orders reviewed by all team members, discussed,
One piece of the assembly is installed into for the PM task team to complete. Before signed and then filed away in the training
the drain port. This portion includes a quick the drain and breather mounts, they had folder. Within the maintenance touchpoint,
connect and sampling tube. The tube goes to schedule work alongside the production Briner gave one word to remember:
directly into the gearbox and can be bent schedule to determine when these vital COPPER, which stands for contaminated
upward so the sample is taken away from pieces of equipment could be taken out oil, proactive practices, and effective
the bottom and side sediment for a more of service for filtering. As mentioned, results. The reason “COPPER” was chosen
representative sample. The quick coupling sometimes the work could not even be is because copper is a contaminant in the
still permits draining, but it also allows a completed before the next oil sample. Now, facility’s oil. The goal is to remember that
permanent connection to a filter cart. The because these mounts with quick couplings if personnel are proactive in preventing
other piece of the assembly is installed into are already on the machines, the team can contamination, this will lead to more
the breather port. This piece includes an simply hook filter cart and come back in a effective maintenance results.
area where a desiccant breather and another couple of hours.
quick connect can be installed for filling or
connecting to a filter cart.
To aid in better storage and handling
These mounts were the biggest game practices, a set of rules was created to
changer of all the improvements. With prevent oil mishandling and contamination.
The mounts worked great. In-service the first three major items on Briner’s list The current rules include the following:
filtration was able to be completed and crossed off, he began working on the other with a much better method of extracting oil improvement items.
samples. Once the 30-day testing period was
1. Do not mix different types of oil. Verify
which type of oil is needed for each
from the maintenance team. By the end of Reducing
Contamination the year, all the vital equipment had been Reducing oil contamination has been a fitted with these mounts. continuous improvement process. Advanced 2. When replacing oil, only drain into
The mounts and expedited oil analysis Composites first had to educate and train buckets and containers clearly marked
over, Briner obtained purchasing approvals
application and then use the correct or
provided handheld container in the oil
storage shed.
The drain mount (left) and breather mount (right) installed on a vital piece of equipment
| March - April 2020 | 13