Machinery Lubrication India Jan Feb 14 10 | Page 32

MLI BACK PAGE BASICS LOREN GREEN | NORIA CORPORATION WHY YOU SHOULD SAMPLE AND TEST NEW OIL Recently, I have visited several plants with oil analysis programs that have ranged from non-existent to fairly robust. The common problem in all of them was that there was no sampling or testing of new oil receipts. This is critical for several reasons, such as to ensure that the oil received is the oil ordered, to establish a baseline for subsequent testing and monitoring of the oil condition, and simply to verify lubricant cleanliness. It is essential to fully understand each of these important issues. were tested. The results were as follows: determined by the speed of rotation, the load on the elements and the lubricant’s viscosity. Lubricants are purchased with a specific viscosity to maintain that lubricant film and eliminate boundary conditions or metal-onmetal contact for the particular application. While this applies for lubricants purchased in drums, buckets, bottles, etc., in the case of bulk deliveries, there is an additional consideration. If you are tracking lubricant cleanliness but are not sampling your oil upon receipt, you are spending good money to clean up someone else’s mess. Ensuring the Lubricant Received is the Lubricant Ordered This may involve a simple viscosity comparison or a complete elemental analysis to ensure that the additive package meets the application’s requirements. At the very minimum, a viscosity comparison should be performed. In his “Should New Lubricant Deliveries be Tested?” article for Machinery Lubrication, Jim Fitch references an audit performed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) in which 562 motor oils 4 percent of the motor oils were classified as having standard deviations (one out of every 25 oils tested). Many had the wrong concentration of additives, while others failed to meet low-temperature specifications. 16 percent were classified as having marginal deviations (one out of every six oils tested). Assuredly, technology has advanced since this study [