Machinery Lubrication India Jan Feb 14 10 | Page 18

costs. In fact, the cost of replacing a damaged bearing or by keeping equipment plant running during peak summer months could easily justify reducing the risk of repeat failures. For example, 10-percent a power reduction at a nuclear Connecting a kidney-loop filtration system to a tank or reservoir can help reduce the risks when bringing equipment back into service. amount of flashing, which causes damage and erosion of Babbitted and non-Babbitted surfaces. Keep in mind that the expense of an auxiliary filtration skid can be quickly offset by a reduction in maintenance plant during peak summer temperatures would pay for auxiliary filtration systems on most challenged equipment within days. Across 3 Crossword Puzzler 4 5 7 9 12 13 14 15 16 Property of a lubricant that acts to prevent scuffing or scoring of metal parts. All material and energy present in and around an operating system, such as dust, moisture, chemicals and thermal energy. The process of mixing lubricants or components for the purpose of obtaining the desired physical and/or chemical properties. The residue left after treating petroleum oil with sulfuric acid for the removal of impurities. Any substance having basic (as opposed to acidic) properties. Unit of pressure in the metric system. In lubrication, either an additive or a compounded lubricant having the property of keeping insoluble matter in suspension, thus preventing its deposition where it would be harmful. Filters located upstream of the reservoir but after fluid has passed through the system's output components. Property that describes the degree and rate at which a liquid will vaporize under given conditions of temperature and pressure. A highly alkaline substance such as sodium hydroxide. Down 1 2 6 8 10 11 Get the solution on page 20 16| January-February 2014 | The phenomenon observed among gear lubricants and greases when they thicken due to cold weather or other causes, to such an extent that a groove is formed through which the part to be lubricated moves without actually coming in full contact with the lubricant. Additive designed to inhibit the growth of microorga