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Two Security Heavy-Hitters All Linux distributions benefit from open source development, because the sheer number of eyes on the code gives them the edge over commercial OSes. However, there are some that are locked down even tighter than the average distribution. One of the more specialized of these is Ta Tails, which stands for "The Amnesic Incognito Live System." In fact, it's so locked down that you can't even install it on your computer -- you have to boot it live from a USB drive. Once up and running, Tails doesn't let you save any files unless you create e an encrypted stash on the same USB drive (and even then it tries to discourage doing so). It routes all your Internet connections through an anonymity network so your online activity isn't pinned to you. Possibly the coolest feature of any OS, if a user fears being physically monitored, is the ability to yank the USB, immediately shutting down the system. Because it is a purely live-boot boot system, once you shut it down, there's no trace of your Tails session on your hardware. The spirit underlying these and other safeguards -- such as the copious dialog boxes preempting relatively risky operations -- is that Tails wants to make bad user decisions hard to make. For instance, you can't contract a virus if you can't download files, and sensitive browsing can't be associated with you if you're anonymous. Nothing, however -- not even Tails -- can save users from themselves completely. If you open up Tails' browser and log into your Facebook, for example, all the anonymity technology in the world won't keep you fro from outing yourself. Still, Tails represents a significant step up compared to mainstream Linux distributions. QubesOS adopts an equally meticulous security model, but from a different angle. Instead of keeping all your activity separate from your permanent system (by live- booting), QubesOS replaces your permanent system and keeps every bit of activity on it separate from the others. It does this by using the power of virtual machines, little software-simulated simulated computers (guests) running on a hardware-installed ed computer (host), to initiate and contain every app in a virtual machine. Unlike with traditional VMs, which require all the time and resources to boot as non-virtual operating systems, VMs in QubesOS are extremely lightweight and boot up at the launch of an app in the same time as normal system would take to open the app. All the user sees is the app, but behind it is an entirely simulated guest computer. Depending epending on the software, its VM is given more or less access to actual system resources, but each one still thinks it's the only one running on its own system. That way, even if an app is exploited, it would compromise only the tiny simulated guest, leaving leavi the host (and other guests) unaffected. The result is a system that feels natural, but packs powerful isolation operating smoothly under the hood. The major drawback to this model is that users need enough expertise to know which privileges to give which whic software. Unlike with Tails, which implicitly distrusts the user and as a result locks down all software as much as possible, QubesOS assumes skilled users, trusting them with choosing security templates for each app and, most crucially, updating and implementing imp them properly. Whereas Tails second-guesses guesses every settings change, QubesOS won't save you if you give your browser the run of your system. However, QubesOS' hands-on hands approach allows users to tailor security to their needs in a way Tails can't. Only ly in QubesOS can you plug in a USB you know is infected and watch the malware impotently thrash in a completely unprivileged guest container. Of the two distributions, if you're looking to experience hyper-secure secure computing, Tails offers the gentlest introduction, duction, since by design there are no consequences for your our installed operating system. Admittedly, neither operating system is meant for common use cases, but it is important to appreciate the full range of options at users' disposal. It speaks to the versatility satility of Linux that two of the most cutting-edge cutting security projects are based on it, and it empowers all users to know that the choice to secure their digital lives is one that's within their reach. refer :: 17