MAA NEWS Winter2022_w | Page 11


By H . Dennis Ryan , mca
For the first time since October 2019 the Z-133 Standard Committee met in-person at BWI . The committee has been meeting on-line monthly since October 2020 and as a result we are in pretty good shape .
The committee has reviewed all the sections , the following are completed and have been voted to accept the changes :
• General
• Cranes
• Chain Saw
• Hand Tools & Ladders
• Climbing Procedures
• Pruning & Cabling
The following have been reviewed and been sent back to the Sub-group for editing :
• Electrical
• Vehicle Operations
• Aerial Devices
• Ropes & Arborist Equipment
• Removals & Rigging
• Plant Health Care
• Training & Education
The language for the electrical section has changed again because of the changes to OSHA 1910-269 ( Utility Clearance ), but the section as far as working distance does not have any significant changes .
Radio-Frequency ( RF )
There is an important addition on working safely around Radio-Frequency ( RF ) sites . At minimum , the training should include hazards of working near RF antennas and necessary protective measures .
All small cell antennas shall be considered active , and caution shall be taken until the power source has been tested and verified as “ OFF ” or the site has been Locked Out / Tagged Out . Work times may need to be scheduled in advance due to network functions or loading , therefore the appropriate scheduling should be considered for purposes of completing work .
Climbing Lines
There is also a change to the requirements for climbing lines . The half-inch diameter has been changed to 7 / 16th ( 11mm ) in diameter with a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds and a maximum stretch of 7 %. Not a significant change , but more the reality of what is being used by the industry today .
Training & Education
There is a new section on Training & Education being proposed , to outline the type of training required to work safely in the tree care industry . If it is not included in this edition , it will certainly be in the next . There is major concern by the committee ( and OSHA ) about the type of training taking place in the industry . It is believed that proper training would reduce accidents .
The OSHA representative presented an update on the status of the OSHA Tree Work standard that they are in the process of writing . The Tree Care Industry Association is monitoring the progress of this new standard . Expect more information directly from TCIA .
We will continue with monthly on-line meetings this fall and winter , I would expect that the public review process will start this winter . ISA , TCIA and MAA will announce when and where the Z-133 will be available for your review and comments . Please review this when available , all comments and questions sent to the Z-133 committee are reviewed by the full committee . I think that we can expect that OSHA will be looking closely at the new 2023 Z-133 while writing their new standard . This is your industry , your business and the Z-133 is your standard . Your input is important .
NOTE : FCC requires each site be labeled with cell owner and contact number to communicate with the appropriate Network Operations Center ( NOC ).
Dennis Ryan is the MAA ’ s representative to the Z-133 Standard Committee . We are grateful to him for his involvement and support .